Monday, May 25, 2020

Teen Pregnancy The Mom And Child s Well Being, And The...

Teen Pregnancy Title: Teen Pregnancy Thesis : Teen pregnancy can affect the moms education, the mom and child’s well being, and the family’s financial stability. I : Introduction a : How old was your mom when she got pregnant with you? b : 750,000 girls in America get pregnant each year. c : Teen pregnancy can affect the moms education, the mom and child’s well being, and the family’s financial stability. II : Education a : Only 40% of teen moms graduate High School, and less than 2% graduate college. b : Studies have shown the family/parenting classes for teen moms, along with at school day care services increase graduation rates for these parents. III : Well being a : There are many unspoken risks of abortion. b : The stresses of birth have a higher risk of affecting a teen mother, than an older woman. c : When a teen mom gets pregnant the risks of miscarriage and low birthweight, the leading cause of underdeveloped organs, is increased. IV : Financial stability a : 80% of teen moms end up on welfare at least once in their life. b : The cost of caring for a child until the age of 18 is $245,340-$304,480. Roughly $15,000 a year/ $300 a week. V : Conclusion a : Teen pregnancy can affect the moms education, the mom and child’s well being, and the family’s financial stability. Teen Pregnancy: How old was your mom when you were born? Throughout manyShow MoreRelatedAdolescent Pregnancy Risks Of Mother And Her Child849 Words   |  4 PagesAdolescent Pregnancy risks to mother and her child Risks to Adolescent Mother Having a baby as an adolescent can be very traumatizing for the mother to be. Upon finding out that she is pregnant she begins to feel a lot of different emotions. She then begins to second guess herself causing the feeling of sadness, being mad, feeling stressed and even depression. One of the hardest things that adolescence parents go through is how to let their parents know of the news. 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