Thursday, August 27, 2020

Identifying Post-Marital Residence Archaeologically

Recognizing Post-Marital Residence Archeologically A noteworthy bit of connection concentrates in human sciences and antiquarianism both is post-conjugal habitation designs, the guidelines inside a general public that figure out where an offspring of a gathering dwells after they get hitched. In pre-mechanical networks, individuals by and large live(d) in family mixes. Living arrangement rules are fundamental sorting out standards for a gathering, permitting families to construct a work power, share assets, and plan out principles for exogamy (who can wed who) and legacy (how the mutual assets are part among the survivors). Recognizing Post-Marital Residence Archeologically Starting during the 1960s, archeologists started endeavoring to recognize designs which may recommend post-conjugal living arrangement at archeological locales. The main endeavors, spearheaded by James Deetz, William Longacre and James Hill among others, were with earthenware production, especially beautification and style of stoneware. In a patrilocal home circumstance, the hypothesis went, female earthenware producers would acquire styles from their home groups and the subsequent antiquity arrays would mirror that. That didnt work well indeed, partially in light of the fact that settings where potsherds are discovered (middens) are once in a while obvious enough to demonstrate where the family was and who was liable for the pot. See Dumond 1977 for a (genuinely dyspeptic thus genuinely run of the mill for its time) conversation. DNA, isotope contemplates, and natural affinities have additionally been utilized with some achievement: the hypothesis is that these physical contrasts would unmistakably recognize the individuals who are outcasts to the network. The issue with that class of examination is it isn't in every case clear that where individuals are covered essentially reflects where individuals lived. Instances of the philosophies are found in Bolnick and Smith (for DNA), Harle (for affinities) and Kusaka and associates (for isotope investigations). What is by all accounts a productive system of distinguishing post-conjugal living arrangement designs is utilizing network and settlement designs, as depicted by Ensor (2013). Post-Marital Residence and Settlement In his 2013 book The Archeology of Kinship, Ensor spreads out the physical desires for settlement designing in various post-conjugal habitation practices. At the point when perceived in the archeological record, these on-the-ground, datable examples give understanding into the cultural cosmetics of the inhabitants. Since archeological locales are by definition diachronic assets (that is, they length decades or hundreds of years thus contain proof of progress after some time), they can likewise light up how living arrangement designs change as the network grows or contracts. There are three primary types of PMR: neolocal, unilocal and multi-nearby homes. Neolocal can be viewed as the pioneer stage, when a gathering comprising of parent(s) and child(ren) move away from existing family mixes to begin new. Engineering related with such a family structure is a secluded marital house which isn't collected or officially arranged with different abodes. As indicated by culturally diverse ethnographic examinations, marital houses regularly measure less that 43 square meters (462 square feet) in floor plan. Unilocal Residence Patterns Patrilocal living arrangement is the point at which the young men of the family remain in the family compound when they wed, acquiring mates from somewhere else. Assets are possessed by the men of the family, and, in spite of the fact that the companions dwell with the family, they are still piece of the families where they were conceived. Ethnographic investigations propose that in these cases, new marital living arrangements (regardless of whether rooms or houses) are built for the new families, and in the long run a square is required for meeting places. A patrilocal living arrangement design along these lines incorporates various matrimonial living arrangements spread around a focal square. Matrilocal living arrangement is the point at which the young ladies of the family remain in the family compound when they wed, getting mates from somewhere else. Assets are claimed by the ladies of the family and, in spite of the fact that the life partners can live with the family, they are still piece of the families where they were conceived. In this kind of home example, as per culturally diverse ethnographic investigations, normally sisters or related ladies and their families live respectively, sharing houses which normal 80 sq m (861 sq ft) or more. Meeting palces, for example, courts are a bit much, in light of the fact that the families dwell together. Cognatic Groups Ambilocal living arrangement is a unilocal living arrangement design when each couple chooses which family tribe to join. Bilocal habitation designs is a multi-neighborhood design in which each accomplice remains in their own family living arrangement. Both of these have a similar complex structure: both have courts and little marital house gatherings and both have multifamily homes, so they can't be recognized archeologically. Synopsis Living arrangement rules characterize who is us: who can be depended on in crises, who is required to deal with the homestead, who we can wed, where we have to live and how our family choices are made. Some contention can be made for private standards driving the making of precursor revere and inconsistent status: who is us must have an originator (legendary or genuine) to recognize, individuals who are identified with a specific organizer may be of a higher position than others. By making the principle wellsprings of family salary from outside of the family, the modern transformation made post-conjugal home not, at this point fundamental or, much of the time today, even conceivable. Probably, similarly as with everything else in prehistoric studies, post-conjugal living arrangement examples will be best recognized utilizing an assortment of strategies. Following the settlement design change of a network, and looking at physical information from graveyards and changes in antique styles from midden settings will help approach the issue and explain, however much as could reasonably be expected, this intriguing and essential cultural association. Sources Bolnick DA, and Smith DG. 2007. Relocation and Social Structure among the Hopewell: Evidence from Ancient DNA. American Antiquity 72(4):627-644. Dumond DE. 1977. Science in Archeology: The Saints Go Marching In. American Antiquity 42(3):330-349. Ensor BE. 2011. Connection Theory in Archeology: From Critiques to the Study of Transformations. American Antiquity 76(2):203-228. Ensor BE. 2013. The Archeology of Kinship. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. 306 p. Harle MS. 2010. Natural Affinities and the Construction of Cultural Identity for the Proposed Coosa Chiefdom. Knoxville: University of Tennessee. Hubbe M, Neves WA, Oliveira ECd, and Strauss A. 2009. Postmarital living arrangement practice in southern Brazilian seaside gatherings: progression and change. Latin American Antiquity 20(2):267-278. Kusaka S, Nakano T, Morita W, and Nakatsukasa M. 2012. Strontium isotope investigation to uncover relocation corresponding to environmental change and custom tooth removal of Jomon skeletal stays from western Japan. Diary of Anthropological Archeology 31(4):551-563. Tomczak PD, and Powell JF. 2003. Postmarital Residence Patterns in the Windover Population: Sex-Based Dental Variation as an Indicator of Patrilocality. American Antiquity 68(1):93-108.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marketing and Market Research Free Essays

Staff of Academic StudiesSchool of Business and Professional BTEC Level 3 in Business †90 Credit Diploma (QCF) Unit 3 Introduction to Marketing Assignment 1 Scenario You work for an expert association for advertisers. One of the exercises that the association attempts is to assess the advertising exercises of various organizations and produce a rundown of ‘A’-classed advertisers. You are approached to complete investigation into two potential contenders for incorporation on the rundown. We will compose a custom article test on Showcasing and Market Research or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now You have to finish the accompanying errands as a major aspect of your examination venture. Errand 1 Describe how advertising methods, for example, marking and relationshipmarketing are utilized to showcase items in two associations. You have to pick one item or administration from every association to attempt the undertaking. (P1) 2Compare, talking about the likenesses and contrasts, the showcasing methods portrayed in Task 1 utilized for the item or administration picked in every association. (M1) 3Evaluate the viability of the utilization of methods in advertising items or administrations in one of your chose associations. You have to pass judgment on the adequacy by weighing up the upsides and downsides of the strategies utilized. D1) 4Describe the imperatives and restrictions under which advertisers work, utilizing guides to clarify your focuses. (P2) Task 2 Choose one of your chose associations and explore its utilization of statistical surveying. You have to finish the accompan ying errands as a feature of the continuation of your exploration venture. 1. Depict how your chose association or some other association utilizes statistical surveying to add to its improvement plans. (P3) 2. Clarify the restrictions of the statistical surveying used to add to the improvement of your chose organisation’s showcasing plans. (M2) 3. Make three advocated suggestions for improving the legitimacy of the promoting research used to add to the improvement of your chose organisation’s showcasing plans. (D2) 4. The consequences of a survey given to 200 clients of a neighborhood new sandwich bar to get some answers concerning the present scope of sandwiches on offer and the standard of administration included discoveries that: †¢ 75% need more children’s sandwiches †¢ 82% need the shop to open longer †¢ 65% said that the staff were threatening †¢ half said that the substance of the sandwiches ought to be fresher †¢ 80% said they would favor more wraps. Utilize the aftereffects of this statistical surveying to deliver some portion of the promoting plan regarding goals to be set. (P4) Task 3 Explain how and why gatherings of clients are focused for chosen items. Select six unique gatherings for items or administrations of your decision for instance, Saga occasions for the over 50s. At any rate two of your decisions must be from the Business-to-business showcase; leftover portion can be from the purchaser advertise. Portray the client profile for every one of the six objective gatherings and afterward clarify how and why these gatherings are focused on. (P5) Task 4 Pick one of your chose associations and examine its utilization of statistical surveying. You have to finish the accompanying assignments as a feature of the continuation of your exploration venture. 1. Build up a rational promoting blend for another item or administration. (P6) 2. Build up a lucid promoting blend that is focused at a characterized gathering of potential clients. (M3) Grading tips: Pass Grade P1 †Make sure you comprehend the different strategies that are recorded in the substance area of the detail. Attempt to see whether the organizations you pick utilize any of these strategies. P2 †Try to discover instances of where these laws have been contradicted (broken to any degree). Helpful sites are those having a place with Trading Standards and the Advertising Standards Authority. P3 †Remember that statistical surveying covers a wide zone and you can incorporate everything the business does to gather data about its commercial center. P4 †You have to exhibit that you can apply the consequences of statistical surveying to promoting plans. The insights are telling sure data that could bring about targets being defined. P5 - Make sure that you comprehend the primary bases for division. The better a business can portray its objective market, the better possibility there will be of accomplishment. P6 †Make sure you comprehend what the components are of the advertising blend, and how these can be changed to support the focused on showcase. Legitimacy Grade M1 †For this undertaking you have to discover the similitudes and contrasts that exist between these procedures and talk about these comparable to the two items. Attempt to remain concentrated on responding to the question and don't wind up composing all you think about the methods. M2 - You have to comprehend that the different laws and codes of training are there dominatingly for the insurance of the customer. Attempt to envision what it would resemble if there were no laws to secure the buyer †this may make it simpler for you to answer the errand. M3 †Look at the advertising blends of different items. You may get a kick out of the chance to examine this on the Internet and perceive how some fruitful items are overseen as far as their showcasing blends. This examination should help you in building up a showcasing blend for a chose item. Qualification Grade D1 - Evaluation is tied in with considering in detail the points of interest and hindrances of something, and reaching decisions because of this examination. All the strategies can be reprimanded concerning their helpfulness. Discover what these are and afterward make decisions about the viability of the methods utilized. D2 - You have to realize that it is critical to attempt to make your statistical surveying as legitimate as could reasonably be expected. This could mean creation the example of adequate size or ensuring that survey answers are not questionable, as that could prompt deceiving results. Step by step instructions to refer to Marketing and Market Research, Essays

Friday, August 21, 2020

What Do You Need to Know When It Comes to Writing Essay Topics?

What Do You Need to Know When It Comes to Writing Essay Topics?Preparing for your first writing assignment, or for an essay topic you want to master, may seem overwhelming. How do you get started when you have no idea where to start? What tips and advice can you find to help you? One of the best places to get started is with some practice, so here are a few ideas on how to get started.There are some great ideas out there that will help you make the most of your time with essay topics. You can get a lot done by writing an outline of the things you need to know about the topic. This will give you the direction you need to move and the structure you need to work with. An outline is usually in the form of a paragraph, or the use of bullet points. This will help you see what you will be writing about and how to structure your article.Other useful ideas for essay topics will be the planning and writing of footnotes. Footnotes can sometimes be overlooked, but they are a big part of the essa y that is needed to make it well written. A good footnoting guide will give you some great ideas to work with, or you can also turn to another resource such as Wikipedia, which has a great list of topics on the topic.You should always consider the topic and the type of article format you are going to be using. If you are looking for information on an industry that isn't easily researched or located, you may want to look into a more general type of essay. A short report or thesis would be a good example of this.On the other hand, if you are looking for essay topics that will be researched and very researched, you will need to do research on your own. Do a little research and search the topic in the form of article databases or magazines. Find out what the key facts are for the topic, or what the main views are. Then take these into consideration when writing your article.In addition to knowing the types of essay topics you will be working with, you will also need to know what type of essay you will be working with. Each type of essay will have a different structure, depending on the topic. Look at the assignment to make sure that the topic is one that you are comfortable with.Once you know the type of essay topics you will be dealing with, it will be easier to determine how to structure your essay. Decide whether you will be writing an analytical essay, a personal essay, or even a popular opinion essay. The more thorough the essay, the better.By making your essay topics as much of a challenge as possible, you will find that it becomes much easier. It is important to remember that it is not always easy to write well. But it will make you feel good to know that you have taken the time to put forth the effort. Make it fun!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Teen Pregnancy The Mom And Child s Well Being, And The...

Teen Pregnancy Title: Teen Pregnancy Thesis : Teen pregnancy can affect the moms education, the mom and child’s well being, and the family’s financial stability. I : Introduction a : How old was your mom when she got pregnant with you? b : 750,000 girls in America get pregnant each year. c : Teen pregnancy can affect the moms education, the mom and child’s well being, and the family’s financial stability. II : Education a : Only 40% of teen moms graduate High School, and less than 2% graduate college. b : Studies have shown the family/parenting classes for teen moms, along with at school day care services increase graduation rates for these parents. III : Well being a : There are many unspoken risks of abortion. b : The stresses of birth have a higher risk of affecting a teen mother, than an older woman. c : When a teen mom gets pregnant the risks of miscarriage and low birthweight, the leading cause of underdeveloped organs, is increased. IV : Financial stability a : 80% of teen moms end up on welfare at least once in their life. b : The cost of caring for a child until the age of 18 is $245,340-$304,480. Roughly $15,000 a year/ $300 a week. V : Conclusion a : Teen pregnancy can affect the moms education, the mom and child’s well being, and the family’s financial stability. Teen Pregnancy: How old was your mom when you were born? Throughout manyShow MoreRelatedAdolescent Pregnancy Risks Of Mother And Her Child849 Words   |  4 PagesAdolescent Pregnancy risks to mother and her child Risks to Adolescent Mother Having a baby as an adolescent can be very traumatizing for the mother to be. Upon finding out that she is pregnant she begins to feel a lot of different emotions. She then begins to second guess herself causing the feeling of sadness, being mad, feeling stressed and even depression. One of the hardest things that adolescence parents go through is how to let their parents know of the news. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Research Of Working Capital Management And Profitability Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2518 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Average collection period is formulated by dividing accounts receivable by sales and multiplying by the number of days in a year (365). It is the average number of days which a firm manages to collect its outstanding debts from customers (Garcia-Teruel Martinez-Solano, 2007). According to Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (2006), acerage collection period is one of the components to measure the cash conversion cycle which is manageable to maximize the profitability and improve firms growth. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Research Of Working Capital Management And Profitability Finance Essay" essay for you Create order In Raheman and Nasr (2007) research adaptation, the correlation analysis between average collection period and net operating profitability shows a negative coefficient. This means that if the average collection period increases, it will lower the profits in return. However, the Pearsons correlation proved there is a strong positive relationship between average collection period and cash conversion cycle. Most profitable firms are observed to have a shorter period of collection period (Deloof, 2003). These same firms a re also larger in size, have higher sales growth and lower debt financing. Further research done by Garcia-Teruel and Martinez-Solano (2007) had its result consistent with Deloof (2003) finding. They had agreed that elongate the deadlines for customers to repay their payments may project greater payment facilities, but would negatively affect the profitability of a firm. Sales may also be increased due to the leniency of firms collection policy. To increase cor porate value, a high quality accounts receivable portfolio could be created, safeguarded and realized through effective credit management. This is due to heavy investments in accounts receivable by larger corporations. Hence, Pike and Cheng (2001) felt it is important to control the credit management policy and practices choices in order to maximize value. The lower the investments placed on accounts receivable, the more reduction in interest costs, hence, a respectable increase in earnings (Milling, 1991). Besides that, there is a close relationship between sales growth and the level of current assets (Kim, Rowland Kim, 1992). The example given was that the increment in credit sales will lead to higher inventories and accounts receivable. It is unavoidable to invest in current assets in that matter. According to Deloof (2003, p.584): An alternative explanation for the negative relation between accounts receivable and profitability could be that customers want more time to assess the quality of products they buy from firms with declining profitability. Schwartz (1974) debated that firms that are able to obtain funds at lower cost would offer trade credit to firms facing higher financing cost through finance-based models. Emery (1984) was able to conclude that investments in trade credit are a much better option for short-term investment than market securities. The advantage of trade credit can be spontaneous and exist without formalities, but the limitation is that it is available for goods and services only (Hossain Akon, 1997). Inventory Turnover on Profitability Zero inventory and Just-in-time manufacturing had been a popular inventory management practices (Reynolds, 1999). In much simpler terminology, inventory turnover means the cycle of using and replenishing goods. According to Reynolds (1999), inventory turnover analysis has major importance because inventory management directly impact operations profitability. This analysis serves as a measure of firms efficiency and profitability. Inventory turnover analysis can assist financial managers in recognizing problems and can help reduce associated costs. Average Payment Period on Profitability Companies of different sizes (small, medium and large) are now taking longer time period to repay their debts (Anonymous, 2005). The same author also mentioned that was affected due to larger companies imposing longer payment terms on their suppliers, who are usually not in a position to choose. Companies in a lower part of the chain would face cash flow problems as companies on the upper chain wait for payment before they pay their suppliers. Cash Conversion Cycle on Profitability The cash conversion cycle is able to capture the impact of an effective working capital management policy, which are due to the effects from turnover of receivables, inventories and payables. The function of cash conversion cycle is defined by Jose, Lancaster and Stevens (1996, p.34): The CCC measures the time between cash outlays for resources and cash receipts from product sales. The CCC is dynamic in the sense it combines both balance sheet and income statement data to create a measure with a time dimension. Richards and Laughlin (1980) consequently operated this concept by measuring the number of days funds are committed to receivables and inventories and less the number of days payments are deferred to suppliers. Shin and Soenan (1998) are able to prove a strong correlation between cash conversion cycle and profitability. Even so, they used a substitute of cash conversion cycle called the net trading cycle. Using this cash conversion cycle, also known as cash-to-ca sh (C2C), companies could establish a point of reference for inter-firm comparisons. Besides improving profits earned, companies could obtain overall efficiencies and balance supply chain operations (Hutchison, Farris II Anders, 2007). Regional United States of America According to a research done by Kim, Rowland and Kim (1992), it was about the implications of working capital management practices by Japanese manufacturers in the US. This study is to determine the objectives of working capital management by Japanese manufacturers in US and to identify options for funding. As Japans foreign direct investment in the business expansion of US has increased rapidly, therefore, it is important to manage the firms working capital well. International working capital management has significant importance as total assets and liabilities of multinational corporations consist of current assets and short-term liabilities. There are few differences in financial structure between the US companies and Japanese manufacturers: Japanese firms rely more on banks short-term debt. Japanese firms project a lower level of net working capital. Japanese firms operate with about half as much equity as US firms. Japanese firms hold twice as much in long-term investments as US firms. Japanese firms reported lower inventory level; more accounts receivables and twice as much cash as US firms. Questionnaires were sent out to Japanese manufacturing companies operating in US. Executives from these Japanese-owned firms perform this survey to determine the companys working capital policies and practices. The data reverted back to researchers show that Japanese firms rated the most important objective of working capital management is to be providing current assets and liabilities in support of anticipated sales, while minimizing investments in current assets being the least important. Moreover, most of their short-term financing were sources from Japanese banks. In 1996, Jose, Lancaster and Stevens performed a research on the relationship of corporate returns and cash conversion cycle. This study examined the long-run equilibrium relationship between a measure of ongoing liquidity needs (cash conversion cycle) and measures of profita bility. Data collected were from the annual Compustat tapes, which covers the twenty-year period starting from year 1974 to 1993. There are altogether 2,718 firms which have complete data required. The variables were tested using nonparametric and multiple regression analysis, with the industry and size variable controlled. Richards and Laughlin (1980) and Emery (1984) had noted the constraints of using traditional financial ratios and believed in the liquidity management measures to reflect the ability of firms meeting their short-term financial obligations. Return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) measures are also included in this study to separate asset management and financing influence. Jose, Lancaster and Stevens concluded that there are key findings for ROA and ROE. These asset management returns and levered returns revealed an increase in performance and benefits. Shin and Soenan (1998) did a study to test the efficiency of working capital management to creat e profitability. They used a Compustat sample of 58,985 firms covering the period 1975 1994. The relationship between the length of net trading cycle, corporate profitability and risk-adjusted stock return was examined. Net trading cycle could be computed as below: Net Trading Cycle = (Inventory Turnover + Average Collection Period Average Payment Period) x (365 / Sales) The outcome of the study shows strong negative relation between the length of firms net trade cycle and profitability. They also considered that working capital efficiency increases profitability; there will be a negative relationship between net trading cycle and stock return. The examination of this relationship is done using the correlation and regression analysis, by industry and working capital intensity. In their study, it is mentioned that working capital is a result of the cash conversion cycle. Gentry, Vaidyanathan and Lee (1990) developed the weighted cash conversion cycle, which scales the timi ng by the amount of funds in each step of the cycle. On the other hand, Deloof (2003) said that this method could not be used due to incompleteness of information available for calculation. Liquidity ratios, such as current ratio and acid-test ratio, could not measure the working capital management efficiently due to reasons that these ratios include calculation of assets which are not readily available to be converted into cash and the ratios ignored the timing of cash conversion (Shin Soenan, 1998). In all, maximum working capital efficiency is an essential factor of total corporate strategy to create shareholders value. A research was done on the international working capital of multinational corporations by Dr. Hadley Leavell from Sam Houston State University. His journal was published in 2006. To enhance profitability of multinational corporations, Ricci and Di Vito (2000) suggested reducing the floating costs of time value, losses on outstanding accounts receivables, tr ansaction costs and foreign exchange conversion costs when moving cash between countries. However, the difficulty to overcome regulatory and geographical barriers may lead to a loss of control and payment regulations placed on cross-border cash concentration to maximize profitability. Regional Europe In year 2003, Deloof investigated the relation between working capital management and profitability of a sample 1,009 large Belgian non-financial firms between years 1992 1996. The cash conversion cycle was considered as the comprehensive measure for working capital, whereas gross operating income is the measurement for profits. There is the weighted cash conversion cycle modified by Gentry, Vaidyanathan and Lee in 1990, but was not applied by Deloof because of the limited information availability. Deloof related the correlation and regression analysis to his research to prove that there is a relationship between working capital management and profitability. Another research done in Europe is by Lazaridis and Tryfonidis in year 2006. They investigated the relationship between working capital management and corporate profitability of a sample of 131 companies listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. Data was collected from year 2001 2004. In this research, profitability was m easured through gross operating profit and cash conversion cycle. Lazaridis and Tryfonidiss research also established that larger companies are cash-management-focused with more credit sales, which led to cash flow problems. Smaller scale firms are more focused on stock management and credit management. Similar to Deloofs (2003) research, the cash conversion cycle is used to describe the effectiveness of working capital management in this study. Regression analysis used in this research showed a negative relationship between cash conversion cycle and profitability. Garcia-Teruel and Martinez-Solano (2007) were involved in a research to provide evidence about the effects of working capital management towards to profitability of Spanish small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises. Many previous researches are focused on larger form of firms. They collected a sample of over 8, 800 SMEs which covers the year 1996 2002 from the AMADEUS database. The selection was done in accordance t o the requirements by Europeans Commissions recommendation on the definition of SMEs. In fact, the current assets and current liabilities of their sample of SMEs proportion is the majority of total assets and liabilities available to the firms. They used the cash conversion cycle to measure the profitability of the firms on their research sample. Their study was supported by Deloof (2003), confirmed that firms can improve profitability by lowering outstanding accounts receivables and payables and inventories. A univariate analysis was conducted to determine differences in variables, followed by a multivariate analysis to determine working capital management on corporate profitability. Return on Assets ratio was set as the dependent variable to establish profitability. In the correlation matrix used, they found a negative relationship between their dependent variable (return on assets) with the number of days accounts receivables, days of inventory and days accounts payable. They con firmed that by shortening the cash conversion cycle, firms could improve profitability. Regional Others Hossain and Akon (1997) did a case study on financing working capital of Bangladesh textile mills corporations. This case study covers 40 public sector textile units under the ownership and administration of Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporations. The study covered a period of twelve years from 1982 1993. According to Hossain and Akon, well-known economists believed that current assets should be considered as working capital as the whole of it helps to generate profits. In their study, it shows that a vast amount of short-term finance was used in financing fixed and current assets to the extent of 100 percent. This caused a lower capability to earn profits, but increases the risk of insolvency. The aggressive working capital financing (using short-term funds to finance fixed assets) should be tamed in Bangladesh textile mills corporations to maximize profits, by resorting to long-term funds which are less costly. Methods used to test their hypothesis are through regression analy sis and comparing the calculation of financial ratios. Raheman and Nasr (2007) had done a research to prove the relationship between working capital management and profitability of Pakistani firms. A sample of 94 firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange was selected. Firms are listed for a period of 6 years from 1999 2004. It was mentioned that an excess of current assets could lead to a firm realizing its return on investment. However, it was proven otherwise if firms have a shortage of current assets (Horne Wachowicz, 2000). The measurement of profitability used by Raheman and Nasr is the Net Operating Profitability. They used the regression analysis to assess their hypothesis. Their study includes data of regression analysis of cross-sectional and time-series data. The pooled-regression (constant coefficient models) type of panel data analysis was applied. They believe that increase in the cash conversion cycle would lead to lower profit generation (Shin Soenan, 1998; Delo of, 2003; Lazaridis Tryfonidis, 2006; Garcia-Teruel Martinez-Solano, 2007). Summary of Literature Review Author (Year) Market (Region) Evidence of Findings Kim, Rowland and Kim (1992) Japanese Manufacturers in US (USA) Objective of working capital management is to be providing current assets and liabilities in support of anticipated sales. Jose, Lancaster and Stevens (1996) Compustat (USA) Key findings in asset management returns and levered returns. Shin and Soenan (1998) Compustat (USA) Relationship between the length of net trading cycle, corporate profitability and risk-adjusted stock return. Leavell (2006) Multinational corporations (USA) International working capital and multinational corporations. Deloof (2003) Belgian non-financial firms (Europe) Application of cash conversion cycle. Lazaridis and Tryfonidis (2006) Companies listed on Athens Stock Exchange (Europe) Larger companies are cash-management-focused, Smaller firms are more focused on stock management and credit management. Garcia-Teruel and Martinez-Solano (2007) Spanish SMEs (Europe) Effects of SMEs working capital management towards its profitability. Hossain and Akon (1997) Bangladesh (Asia) Financing Bangladesh textile mills corporations. Raheman and Nasr (2007) Karachi Stock Exchange (Asia) Working capital management of Pakistani firms and its profitability. Table 2.1 Summary of Literature Review Conclusion Working capital is about establishing optimum liquidity position by effectively managing resources invested in day-to-day operations of the business. After studying the journals and researches done, it can be concluded that liquidity and profitability of firms was affected by the components and working capital management measures (accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Misunderstood Religion of Islam - 609 Words

Islam is perhaps the supreme misunderstood religion today, among non-Muslims and among some of the Muslims themselves. There are both historical and modern influences that might clarify this misconception of Islam within certain rings in the West. One should start with the fact that Islam, represented historically as the Ottoman Empire man Empire, occupied parts of Europe, which had certainly not occurred to European civilization before. Then there were the Crusades, which was Christendom attempting to, I believe, execute and impose its religion upon the Middle East. I deliberately use the phrase Middle East, as the Crusades did not just impact the Muslim population; the Jews were also in a similar position and were victims of this process. Furthermore, according to specific groups, the Orthodox Christians were victims as well of those circumstances. Therefore, it was fundamentally Western Christendom that was the driving factor of the Crusades, which extended throughout centuries an d ended in defeat for the powerful Christian leaders. This had an impact on the psyche of the Western people and influenced their opinion of civilization. Then, of course, you had colonialism, which affected both sides and created a situation in which the antagonism became even more serious. After the colonial period, a key factor that arose concerned the economic benefits represented by oil, which is considered a gold commodity that is most essential to manufacturing and industrialShow MoreRelatedIslam- Misunderstood Religion564 Words   |  2 Pages Introduction Islam is indeed a misunderstood and misrepresented religion in the West. It is for any seeker of the truth who might once have wondered what the religion of Islam is all about, who Allah is, what ultimate goal of man’s existence is. 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HoweverRead More The Media and Mass Misinterpretation of Islam Essays893 Words   |  4 PagesThe Media and Mass Misinterpretation of Islam As the cross is the symbol of Christianity, the Star of David the symbol of Judaism, the Crescent Moon and Star are supposedly the symbols of Islam. Islam at its core is a peaceful religion, which like many other religions over the ages has at times been misunderstood not only as to the values it preaches, but also in relation to its core beliefs. Although in today’s post September 11th world Islam and its followers, who are also known as MuslimsRead MoreJihad Is A Symbol Of Destruction And Terrorism909 Words   |  4 PagesArguably the most misunderstood term in the religion of Islam, Jihad could mean one of two things: a struggle for or against something or a Holy War against a nation. The idea of Jihad came about when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), most praised and recognized Prophet of Islam, wanted to spread Islam. 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Summary Inside Islam’s background comes from this often misunderstood faith back to its tradition origins before and within the Hebrew Bible, also providing information about on how the religions central constituents helps spread Islam religious belief throughout the world. ThisRead MoreDoes the Media Correctly Portray Islam? Essay861 Words   |  4 Pagesrecent survey, a television network randomly asked people what came to mind when they heard the word Islam (Boston Globe 2005). The majority of the responses were 9/11, terrorists, suicide bombers, Saddam Hussein, and other things along those lines. This may have reinstated the opinions of those who thought poorly of Islam, and already believed it to be a United States hating terrorist religion. Now I see these fallacies even more clearly because I too had similar beliefs; but after taking a course

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Creative strategy in social media marketing -

Question: Discuss about the Creative strategy in social media marketing. Answer: Content Marketing Strategy Identification of the audience, user need and value gap Audience- The audience for the Xiaomi phones are the students, young professionals and gadget lovers, who desire to experience a quality Smartphone with maximum features and at affordable cost. The Asian market should be targeted as people here desire to buy products that can worth the price that they are investing. At the end of the year 2016, the total market share of Samsung is India is 23%, Lenovo-Motorola was 9.60%, Micromax was 7.50% and Xiaomi was 7.40% (The Economic Times 2018). The content for the Xiaomi Smartphone should highlight the statistics that is related with the sales that the organization has attained. Taken for instance, the annual sales for the year 2012 was 7.19 million Smartphone, 18.7 million Smartphone in 2013, 61.12 million for the year 2014 and the sales up to 70 million at the end of 2015 (The Economic Times 2018). User Need/Value Gap Macht (2014) stated that the effectiveness of content in website should also attract vendor apart from direct customers. Law et al. (2014) highlighted the reason that many people prefer to purchase from physical stores. Thus, the content for online websites should highlight the benefits that their vendors are getting by associating with Xiaomi. The website should present a separate page for vendors and also provide a list of existing vendors. Link for the online form should also be present for targeting potential interested shopkeepers. Moreover, actual statistics that represents the increase in the number of the vendors should also be illustrated in the page. Tolkoff and Anders (2013) furthermore stated that a transparent contact system should be present for these vendors as these organization desires to share their business goals and objectives. At present Xiaomis website do not contain any tab for existing vendors and lack the details for the procedure of vendor association. Thus, vendors, who are interested to develop partnership with Xiaomi face challenges in contacting them. The details about the comparative statistics of the vendors are also not present. Moreover, the comparative statistics related to the sales made by Xiaomi and other leading stores is also absent that raises the problem of representing the effectiveness of their Smartphone and sales. The decision making unit comprises of the CEO, a member from board of directors (outside the organization), CFO for budget allocation, digital marketing team and website developers. Key members in decision making process Role of the members CEO Finalize the decision One member from board of directors Highlight the current situation of market CFO Finalize the budget for implementing the content marketing approaches Manager from digital marketing team Identify the key areas through which more customers can be attracted and website presence can be enhanced Lead of website developing team Suggest the design of the website Table 1: Key members and their roles in decision making process (Source: Created by Author) Face-to-face meeting should have to be conducted so that all the business objectives can be clearly defined. However, digital communication tool like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and formal e-mails can also be used for sharing regular updates. The type of question that should be asked in the meeting- What are the current situation of the effectiveness of the content?, How the content of the website can be enhanced?, How effective the design of the website can be developed?, How much details should be revealed to the public?, How much budget can required for developing new content? and How to measure the effectiveness of the newly developed content?. The social media that are mostly used by Xiaomi are Facebook, Google+ and Twitter but the medium of YouTube, Pinterest, LikedIn and Instagram should also be used. However, the application of Weibo, Ozone and Tecent can also be utilized for better communication of the recent news about any Xiaomi Smartphone. The content related to the new launching of the mobile phones, the technology incorporated in those phones, the advantages and benefits that user can get from using Xiaomi Phones, the details of upcoming technology and series should be shared. The newspaper articles related with their organization and sales should also be shared with available link to the newspaper article should also be delivered through the content. These details should be shared through all the existing social media and the suggested social media so that all consumers can be targeted irrespective of the fact what social media medium users are utilizing. The topic for these contents are- Latest news for Xiaomi Users New technology in Xiaomi Smartphone Upcoming Smartphone technology The best Xiaomi phone of 2018 Features of Xiaomi Phones Problem from audiences point of view The main identified problem is the inability of the present of all the mediums of social media and development of mobile application. Users faces problem regarding the false promises that organization made to the people and motivate them to share their posts with their friends and other members. These posts were deleted once, their products get promoted and pretent that they have not share such kind of posts. The current process to overcome this adversity is to reply back to the use within few hours so that their perception regarding the organization can be changed. However, the marketing team should also contact the user through SMS and formal e-mails and answer their concern. Position your solution The products here considered are mi, redmi note 4, mi box, mi mix2 and mibox. These products are also highly searched by users. Users prefer this brand as they get many facilities in a Smartphone at affordable price. Other leading Smartphone companies charge high cost of their mobile phone with same features. The content should also present the benefits and the comments of some happy customers. This content can be supported with the sales revenue statistics so that customer can rely on what they are positing and the reliability of the fact. Goals and Key Performance Indicator Goals for the people S.M.A.R.T factors Expectation activities for the actions Specific The content of the websites and social media should attract 100,000 new viewers every month for the next ten years by developing effective content. get 5,000 users through email signups Measurable The other social media like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest wwill be utilized and regular post will be broadcasted every day. Per day it is expect to get 1,000 viewers and 100 shares for each social media platform. Achievable All the posts (videos) related to technology, upcoming series, feature and specifications details and discount should be broadcasted through YouTube. Relevant Attractive heading for the content help visitors to visit the pages and the related post. The statistical data help them to rely on the effectiveness of the available data. Time bound Within a year, Xiaomi is able to attain 11% more visitors compared to 2017. Table 2: S.M.A.R.T Goals (Source: Created by Author) Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Unique visits (UV)- Xiaomi should use UV approach to compare different forms of trends and content over the time and measure the number of individual read the content. However, the type of UV should also be measured like how many individual visits for the blog or for website. This will allow the company to identify what sources are mostly preferred by users. Geography- Though the website and blogs are universally available but evaluating where the content is being read more the organization to allocate more budget. The developers can also be asked for developing the content in their national language so that they can understand the content and see the effort to value the customers. Popular and problematic onsite content- In this aspect, Xiaomi should identify the top folders, top landing pages and top exit pages for identifying the most followed posts and the post that raises controversy. This will help the organization to omit the negative reputation related to the organization. Content performance measures- In this case, the total number of shares from the visitors, follower volume, referring domain and inbound links will help Xiaomi to assess the effectiveness of the PostRank score, shareability, bounce rate and pages per visit. Mobile readership- It is important to measure the tool that is used by a content visitor to read the content. This will help the company to optimize the content. Plan Content Topic Photograph captured by Redmi mobile phone Mi device that can be best used for watching your favourite TV series New devices apart from Smartphone that Xiaomi has introduced Updates for software for Xiaomi phones Keywords mi redmi note 4 mi box mi mix2 Keywords and hashtags in content with social shares #selfie #concept #story #life #creative #thought #navinvatsa #monochrome #bnw #top_bnw #yourshot_india #ypurshotphotographer #mypixeldiary #photographers_of_india #indiaphotoproject #ig_asia #portrait #selfportrait #mobile #click #redminote4 #redmi #india (Source: Instagram 2018) #redmi #xiaomi #silhouette #streetphotography #street_persons #blackandwhite #bnw_captures #postthepeople #aloneinthestreet #xiaomi #xiaomiredmi4a#xiaomiredmi4x#xiaomi#redmi Keywords used in media releases or other marketing collateral #Redmi5A #MiPowerBank #MIA1 #MiMix2 #Xiaomi Call to Action Primary CTA Secondary CTA Article Sign-ups for subscription Facility to download the article in pdf form Email Read the mail and click for subscription Reply on the mail for additional information Website Page Sign-up got member subscription Request for knowing all the details of upcoming models and discount on price Table 3: Call to Action (Source: Created by Author) Channel Plan Social Network Current number of followers Avg # new followers per week Avg # likes, comments, shares per week YouTube 119,871 subscribers 20,000 50,000 likes, 15,000 comments and 8,000 shares Pinterest 329 followers 30 100 likes, 40 comments and 15 shares Instagram 30,200 followers 1,000 10,000 likes, 600 comments and 350 shares Table 4: Channel Plan (Source: Created by Author) Social Network Reach (target #impressions, views of this post) Act (target #likes, comments, shares) Convert (target # click through to the www) Engage (target # who do the CTA) YouTube 1.1million 50,000 likes, 15,000 comments and 8,000 shares 100,000 15,000 Pinterest 1000 100 likes, 40 comments and 15 shares 300 1000 Instagram 50,000 10,000 likes, 600 comments and 350 shares 34,000 8,500 Table 5: Reach, Act, Convert and Engage for social media (Source: Created by Author) Social Network Current number of followers Avg % Growth per week Target % Growth per week Avg % Engagement per post Target % Engagement for this post YouTube 119,871 subscribers 12% 15% 79% 85% Pinterest 329 followers 3% 5% 87% 90% Instagram 30,200 followers 7% 10% 88% 90% Table 6: Growth of social media (Source: Created by Author) Audience Traction Article and 3 related social posts Audience Traction Article Article title- No.1 Xiaomi Fan Sale, Huge discounts for Mi fans an some may win those price just at Re.1 SEO keywords- Xiaomi, No.1 Xiaomi Fan Sale, Xiaomi Mi A1 Special Edition Red, Xiaomi Mi MIX 2 and Xiaomi Redmi 4 Content Xiaomi has planned to hold No.1 Mi Fan Sale on starting of the year 2018 on February. The other devices that can be purchased on discounts are Xiaomi Mi MIX 2, Mi Max 2, Xiaomi Redmi 4, Xiaomi Mi A1, Redmi Y1 Lite and Redmi Note 4. The sale will be from 5th February, 2018 to 12th February, 2018. There will also be lightening deals on the purchase of Redmi Notes, VR headsets, Mi fitness bands and Mi Routers from the website only. Users have to keep their eye on the websites for grab the first opportunity at Re.1 to make the purchase. The facility that users can get will be- Heavy discount on Xiaomi Mi Max 2 1 sale from 1pm during the week The products selected for discounts are Redmi Notes, VR headsets, Mi fitness bands and Mi Routers The discount can be available through website purchase only Xiaomi Mi Max 2 is incorporated with octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor along with 6GB RAM. Redmi Note 4 on the other hand built with 2GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor. Xiaomi Mi Max 2 and Redmi Note 4 both has 128GB internal storage and this can be expanded by the user on their desire. The camera for Xiaomi Mi Max 2 has 5-megapixel front shooter and a 12-megapixel primary camera. Redmi Note 4 however have 13-megapixel primary camera with same 5-megapixel front shooter. People now-a-days become more conscious about photography and want a great in-built camera in their Smartphone. The sale details for discount are Xiaomi Mi MIX 2 will be available at the price of Rs. 30,999 from Rs. 35,999. The price of the Mi Max 2 will be as low to Rs. 10,999 from Rs. 14,999. There will be discount of Rs 1,500- Rs 2,000 on Xiaomi Redmi 4 models. There will be attractive sales on the accessories like Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic Matte, phone cases and fitness bands. Earphones will be available on Rs 3999 and the Mi capsule earphone will be available from Rs899. The price of the Mi Bluetooth Speaker Basic 2 will be Rs. 1,699, down from Rs. 2,699. The Re. 1 sale is eligible for the products like Xiaomi Redmi 5A, Mi Router 3C White, Mi VR 2 Play Dark Grey, Mi Wi-Fi Repeater 2 White, Redmi Y1 Lite and Mi Band - HRX Edition Black. Additional offers that users can grab:- Up to Rs. 5,000 SuperCash cashback on payment through MobiKwik wallet 1 sale on 3 premium products for first five purchasers 3-month free subscription of Mi community 12-month movie and music subscription For the latest new related to the Xiaomi phone, click on our Gadgets 360 articles for gadget seekers, follow is on Facebook and Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also check to our news section on our Official Xiaomi website. Social post 1 The wait is only about less than a month for gadget lovers. Xiaomi now bring super lightning deal for those, who desire to use electronic gadgets for extra-ordinary experience. They can now experience the top-class quality within their budget. So, grab the offer and keep an eye especially for Re.1 sale from 4th February, 2018 to 12th February, 2018. Social post 2 Xiaomi users- the countdown has started and the booking for your preferable gadget is open now. You can now register your purchase and het additional 10% off on your every purchase. You just have to fill a subscription form for No.1 Xiaomi Fan Sale and pick you desired products. You can also pay for your purchase beforehand and get guaranteed Rs 1000 cash back on your credit or debit card. Social post 3- I have grabbed the __________________________ on the super sale day and my experience is __________________________________________________________. Image 10: Mi phones (Source: 2018) This process is known as Fill in the Blank trick and is highlight effective on the social networking site of Facebook and Instagram. The prime reason is that people ususlaly follow and understand the pictorial posts quickly than other posts and thus this promotional one liner content. Duggan and Brenner (2013) stated that this type of post is written in one sentence but the effectiveness of the post is much higher than other descriptive posts. People write their experience both positive and negative and then write comments by mentioning the name of their friends. They on the other hand write additional comments and this way the number of likes increases along with the probability of sharing the posts. Persuasive email message Dear Xiaomi Customer, Congratulations for choosing Xiaomi as your family and for making purchase from us. Your Xiaomi is now giving their members a more attractive and lifetime deal. You can now purchase your desired products at 50% off during the seasons sale and get a free premium membership for an entire year. You just have to log-on to our website and fillip a subscription form and pay a simple amount of Rs 500. This offer is valid for first 500 subscribers. Information for all attractive deals will be sent to you 30 minutes prior. Take the advantage for all the best deal. You can also refer your friends and family members to extend our family. On every 5 new customer referrals you will get Rs1000 cash back in you Mi Wallet. Regards, Persuasive landing page Image 11: Persuasive landing page (Source: Created by Author) Reference List Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Ashley, C. and Tuten, T., 2015. Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), pp.15-27. Baltes, L.P., 2015. Content marketing-the fundamental tool of digital marketing.Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V,8(2), p.111. Botha, E. and Reyneke, M., 2013. To share or not to share: the role of content and emotion in viral marketing.Journal of Public Affairs,13(2), pp.160-171. 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