Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about The Global Dimensions of Religious Terrorism.

The Global Dimensions of religious Terrorism. Mark Juergensmeyer argues that: religious often provides participates in transnational terrorist movements with the violent certainty necessary to develop extraordinary motivation and to engage in violent actions that appear to violate ethical precepts. Religious terrorism often involves holy war on a global scale. During the Cold War, America’s major enemy was the Soviet empire. Then years after, America’s most wanted enemy was a single person Osama bin Laden. He symbolizes a variety of movements of religious activism that despise the symbols of secular power in a global age. Religious nationalism and guerrilla antiglobalism have in common their reliance on bases of authority that in†¦show more content†¦He continues, â€Å"The concept of terrorism was messed up. The term seems to be used only for incidents of violence that people didn’t like or the media have labeled terrorist. What about USA government? How they justify their acts of bombings, of killing innocent people, directly or indirectly, openly or secretly? The USA tries to terrorize nations, to obliterate their power and to tell them, they are nothing and they have to follow†. According to Abouhalima, any form of international political or economic control was a form of terrorism. Conspiracy theories aside, there is a certain amount of truth to the notion that globalization and American dominance are related. U.S. culture and economy have influenced societies around the world in ways that have caused concern to protectors of local societies. There has been a great conflict between secular and religious life throughout the world, and America does inevitable support the secular side of the fight. Regarding nationalism we can conclude that the legitimacy of religious social order as an ideology of nationalism and as an alternative source of authority. The very act of performing vio violence in public is a political act: t announces that the power of the group is equal or superior to that of the state, in most cases this is exactly the message that the group want to convey. At the same time those acts of religious violence announce that their religiousShow MoreRelatedFuture Of Terrorism And Its Future Prospects Within Pakistan1598 Words   |  7 PagesFUTURE OF TERRORISM IN PAKISTAN 1. The threat of terrorism which existed prior to 9/11 got accentuated and transformed into a potent, dynamic and multi-dimensional phenomenon. As of today, few countries in the world are threatened by such diverse forms and manifestations of terrorism as we are; both in the present and futuristic context. There are external influences and there are internal dissentions. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay about The Intent of Bouwsmas Descartes Evil Genius

The Intent of Bouwsmas Descartes Evil Genius Bouwsmas essay critiques Descartes use of the evil demon in his Meditations on First Philosophy through the creation of two situations in which the evil genius attempts to use his powers for their express purpose, that of deception. Bouwsma conveniently admits the existence of four or five clear and distinct ideas and goes on to show that the evil genius is capable of deceiving mankind about everything else, specifically sensory perceptions. Bouwsmas main point in taking this approach is to express his view that Descartes hypothesis that one might be deceived by an evil demon is incoherent. Bouwsmas second adventure is supposed to indicate that once there becomes no way†¦show more content†¦Tom experiences this illusion, but he is not deceived by it because he recognizes the difference between paper and everything that is not paper, even though everything has been carefully crafted to fool him. Bouwsmas point of this is to use Toms recognition of the difference betw een a flower made out of paper and a real flower, and consequently his recognition that everything but paper had changed its nature, to introduce his idea that people have a solidly formed concept of what things are, that a flower is a flower, and not paper. In the second adventure Bouwsma introduces a thick illusion, where everything is as it would normally be experienced, in which the evil demon exerts his full power and submerses Tom into a dream world, because the first adventure failed to fully take into account Decartes statement And all other external things are nought but illusions. The evil demon destroys everything, but creates illusions in order to mislead Tom into assuming that everything is as it was, that flowers are flowers and may be smelled and felt and have their blossoms plucked and so forth. The problem that this illusion creates is that it has become too real. Bouwsma is arguing that since to Tom the illusions have become indistinguishable from what Tom prev iously knew as reality, the new dream world of the evil demon has become reality. The demons illusion has become so real to Tom that when theShow MoreRelatedBaron dHolbach and William James on Free Will and Determinism1192 Words   |  5 Pagesor isnt insane. In the end it all depends on each individuals opinion on who has a better argument. 4. Give Descartes argument concerning the possibility that we may always be deceived by a malicious demon. Explain O.K. Bouwsmas critique on Descartes. In order to understand Descartes argument you have to know a little bit about his background and beliefs. Renà © Descartes was born in Born in La Haye, Touraine during the year of 1596. He was a French philosopher, scientist, and mathematicianRead More Descartes Skeptical Argument And Reponses By Bouwsma And Malcolm2356 Words   |  10 Pages Descartes Skeptical Argument and Reponses by Bouwsma and Malcolm In this essay, I will examine Rene Descartes skeptical argument and responses by O.K. Bouwsma and Norman Malcolm. I intend to prove that while both Bouwsma and Malcolm make points that refute specific parts of Descartes argument in their criticisms, neither is sufficient in itself to refute the whole. In order to understand Descartes argument and its sometimes radical ideas, one must have at least a general idea of his motives

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Doomsday Conspiracy Essay Research Paper Many science free essay sample

Doomsday Conspiracy Essay, Research Paper Many scientific discipline fiction narratives fall into similar classs based on subject. It is besides true that a peculiar narrative may hold more so one subject contained in the work. In the Novel Doomsday Conspiracy, written by Sidney Sheldon, a really strong and powerful subject stands out. Human existences fear what they don t understand. We all fear what we can t explain. This is besides present in the narrative Share Alike. In Doomsday Conspiracy, Admiral Whittaker fears what he can non understand. He is afraid, every bit good as the full U.S. Government, that the foreigners that have crashed on Earth because they wanted to assail it or do some kind of injury. He fears the foreigners and the clang because he does non understand them. He so assigns Robert Bellamy to happen the informants that saw the UFO. The Admiral wanted to kill them so the foreigner could neer be brought into the sight of the populace. We will write a custom essay sample on Doomsday Conspiracy Essay Research Paper Many science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Whittaker feared the foreigners who really came to warn us about destructing our ain planet. The people who came to assist us and they were about killed because of the fact that human existences fear what they do non understand. The full clip the authorities and the Admiral feared these harmless foreigners because they didn t understand them. All they wanted was to state us non to destruct our ain humanity. Now, in Share likewise, the subject of human existences fearing what they don t understand makes up a batch of the narrative. The one adult male fears the other because of what he is. He is non seeking to kill him or anguish him but yet he is still scared. Craig is scared and frights Erick Hofmanstahal because he is a lamia. Erick must feed off of him to last but so once more it could hold merely killed Craig. Hofmanstahal was a normal individual except for the fact that he was lamia. Craig was so afraid of the fact that Erick was a lamia merely because he didn t understand how it was possible or even true. He besides didn t understand how a lamia lives. This merely scares the heck out of him. He can t believe about it without fright. All because he can t understand what another being does or how they live. At the terminal of the narrative Craig kills Erick. He killed out of fright and choler. He killed out of choler for imbibing his blood, when the boat was in the distance, he should truly hold understood that he had no pick. The fright took over and won one time more once more. So he killed him merely to happen out that he has now become a lamia and fright himself more so anything. Both scientific discipline fiction narratives fall into similar classs based on subject. Both narratives have the same subjects. But they are wholly different narratives. They both have different scenes, and characters but both portion the same subject. Both Share Alike and Doomsday Conspiracy subjects are based on human existences being scared of what they don t know. Equally long as we are frightened of things we neer can get the better of them. Both narratives are seeking to learn us a lesson. That lesson is that if we do non understand something so we should larn to understand it before we become panicky or kill it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

McKenzie Journey Essays (867 words) - Technology, Office Equipment

McKenzie Journey 31 May 2017 Essay 2 Bockoven The Next Generation Today, technology affects lives to a greater notion than everbefore. Communication has evolved over many years from the beginning attempts atverbal communication to the use of refined technology to enhance theability to communicate effectively with others. Every time a television is watched, a telephone call ismade, or a personal computer or tablet is used, benefits ofcomputer technologies are being used. The technological use of computers is a great tool to have if used properly, effectively and safely. Computers are found everywhere. As our society flourishes towards being a culture connected through the Internet, more and more computers have been purchased by families for their homes and children are beginning to learn to use the computer at an earlier age. Even if computers are not currently available at a home, a child will almost certainly be given access to one at a school or library. From a positive outlook, computers provide us with an amazing amount of resources and information, and as a human race have made us significantly smarter. Independently, it has made us more knowledgeable because we can effortlessly find the information we need, although on the other hand, if the internet were to be taken away, we may become less smart. As humans become more connected, we would have more abilities and the internet would have us all weird to one larger brain that is smarter than any single individual. In a whole, computers make it easy to find information and get the knowledge y ou are looking for. Without computers, it would be harder to get information at the touch of your fingertips. Through computers, almost everything we do is online. My college homework is online, my work schedule, connecting with friends and family, entertainment, finding information, shopping, ect. If it weren't for the advances of computers, all of thoughts activities that take seconds would take much longer to complete and waste tons of paper in the process. Computers are a wonderful tool for typing papers, using excel or spread sheets for jobs, and finding information. Every day I use a computer in some way. I believe Computers are not only here to stay, but in my opinion computers are the way of the future. Only a device like the computer can change the way we work, live, and think. I see computers taking us places where no man has gone before. Students can obtain an education from their own home, taking classes online is an option that a growing number of pupils aretaking advantageof. These classes are making a college education available for students who are not able to attend a con ventional university or college. Computers are taking us places where a lot of us thought was not possible. Truly it is my belief and opinion, the computer is one of the most incredible inventions of this time or any other.Bottom of Form Computers have become such an essential part of our lives because we rely on them for almost everything. From numerical calculations, storage of data, communication, and technological processes, Computers do it. I use a computer almost every single day to assist me with homework, chat with friends, or even entertain myself by watching a movie or playing a game. I find computers to be a stress-reliever or a gateway if you find that you've had a bad day at school or work. While I support this positive stance towards computers, even in myself, I find that I've become slightly addicted to computers, causing me to not get as much sleep as needed or not allowing me to do my homework without a distraction. Just like too much of a good thing, it can always be bad. Nevertheless, I've found computers have made me more knowledgeable, even if not pertaining just precisely to school. I feel as if they've prepared me for a future where computers use will be unavoidable in our everyday lives. In Clive Thompson's essay, Smarter than You Think, he illustrates the good and the bad with computers and technologies. Thompson states, "Today's tools make it easier for us to find connections between ideas, pictures, people, bits of news that were previously invisible. They encourage

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Igbo Marriage Essay Example

Igbo Marriage Paper The Igbo people have a certain process which the follow to have a marriage within their ways. There is a certain standard and procedure to go through to have a wedding. A lot is very customary within the marriage as a whole. I have found out the tradition and ceremony of marriage by researching the topic Igbo Marriage. During my research I found five sources that include web articles and, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Marriage in the Igbo tribe is very great.A marriage is not held between a man and a woman, but between the families of both, sometimes even between clans or villages. Before even proposing, the groom’s family searches for the right partner for him. His family will investigate the girl’s family. According to a web article called â€Å"Igbo Traditional Marriage† by Chris Chiwetelu, â€Å"The investigation will dig into the background of members of the girl’s family going as far back as possible, looking for any incidents of recurring dis eases, abominable acts, and problems with bearing children, insubordination or other marital problems†.After the investigation is done, the groom’s family approaches the bride’s family compound. When the groom goes to let known that he is interested in the other family’s daughter, he brings a small group of family. They present the bride’s family with gifts such as, kola nuts and small amounts of palm wine. If the bride accepts, the groom and his entourage will come back to her compound to acquire a â€Å"bride price†. Coming up with a â€Å"bride price† is derived as, â€Å"determining the value of a wife to a man† in the same article â€Å"Igbo Traditional Marriage†.Broom sticks are used to represent money. The bride’s family will come up with a huge bundle of broom sticks, and the groom’s family will take them into consideration but, come up with a counter offer of much less broom sticks. The families go back and forth until a price is reached, which also comes along with the groom agreeing to treat the bride well, not over abusing her or her children. The Igba Nkwu ceremony is the actual wedding ceremony. The wedding takes place at the bride’s compound. Several hundreds and even thousands of people show up to the ceremony.The grooms family must give the bride’s family, gifts like, kola nuts, palm wine, heads of tobacco, snuff, cloths, jewelry, etc. The bride’s family prepares all of the food for the ceremony. The bride and her maids do a dance around the compound while the in-laws throw money at them as gifts. The final ceremony is a church wedding. This time the groom’s family is responsible for all of the preparation. The next morning the bride is supposed to wake up early and sweep the groom’s family’s entire compound.It is tradition and, other women married in the family join along. The bride returns home to her family’s compound for about 3 days, and then returns to her new husband. As the marriage continues, each partner gets to know each other better. Some husbands may get married several more times. Divorce is not common in the Igbo people, marriage is very important to them. Following these procedures, the Igbo tribe takes their marriage ceremonies very seriously. From the bride price, to the compound sweeping, everything is done in order.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Maya Angelu

Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She was born under the name Marguerite Johnson, but her brother Baily renamed her Maya. Her parents, Baily and Vivian Baxter Johnson, got divorced when she was very young. Maya grew up in a very racist town. There were many problems in her life, in which she describes in her autobiographical novel â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings†. At the age of 16, she became pregnant, while experimenting if her sexual preference was males or females. She had to get numerous jobs to support herself and her son, Clyde, who was later known as Guy. In 1952, she married a man named Tosh Angelos, but due to his atheist ideals, which grew to be unacceptable to Maya’s religion, the marriage soon ended. In order to have money to support herself and Clyde, she was forced to become a dancer and a bar girl in a strip joint. After she got enough money, she moved to New York and sang at various clubs. Maya started her writing caree r in New York with the Harlem Literary Guild. She made contracts which led to her recognition as a producer, director, and performer. In 1960, she married a South African freedom fighter, Vusumzi Make. They both got jobs as editors of the Arab Observer. The marriage ended three years later, and Maya moved to Ghana. She felt at home for the first time of her life. This is when she started her first writings. Maya was nominated for an Emmy Award for her acting in â€Å"Roots† and â€Å"Georgia, Georgia†. She also received a Pulitzer Prize Nomination for her poems â€Å"Just Give Me a Cool Drink ‘fore I Die† (1971) and â€Å"And Still I Rise† (1976). Being President Bill Clinton’s favorite writer, he asked her to write and deliver a poem for his 1993 presidential inauguration. She also wrote a poem for the â€Å"Million Man March†. â€Å"On the Pulse of Morning† became a best-selling book on 20 January 1993. Now, Maya is a Reynolds professor of American Studies at Wake Forres... Free Essays on Maya Angelu Free Essays on Maya Angelu Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She was born under the name Marguerite Johnson, but her brother Baily renamed her Maya. Her parents, Baily and Vivian Baxter Johnson, got divorced when she was very young. Maya grew up in a very racist town. There were many problems in her life, in which she describes in her autobiographical novel â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings†. At the age of 16, she became pregnant, while experimenting if her sexual preference was males or females. She had to get numerous jobs to support herself and her son, Clyde, who was later known as Guy. In 1952, she married a man named Tosh Angelos, but due to his atheist ideals, which grew to be unacceptable to Maya’s religion, the marriage soon ended. In order to have money to support herself and Clyde, she was forced to become a dancer and a bar girl in a strip joint. After she got enough money, she moved to New York and sang at various clubs. Maya started her writing caree r in New York with the Harlem Literary Guild. She made contracts which led to her recognition as a producer, director, and performer. In 1960, she married a South African freedom fighter, Vusumzi Make. They both got jobs as editors of the Arab Observer. The marriage ended three years later, and Maya moved to Ghana. She felt at home for the first time of her life. This is when she started her first writings. Maya was nominated for an Emmy Award for her acting in â€Å"Roots† and â€Å"Georgia, Georgia†. She also received a Pulitzer Prize Nomination for her poems â€Å"Just Give Me a Cool Drink ‘fore I Die† (1971) and â€Å"And Still I Rise† (1976). Being President Bill Clinton’s favorite writer, he asked her to write and deliver a poem for his 1993 presidential inauguration. She also wrote a poem for the â€Å"Million Man March†. â€Å"On the Pulse of Morning† became a best-selling book on 20 January 1993. Now, Maya is a Reynolds professor of American Studies at Wake Forres...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Work in a Pediatric Department Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Work in a Pediatric Department - Essay Example Catering for the welfare of people requires leadership skills. I also aspire to lead my colleagues in ensuring that patients’ needs are professionally and perfectly addressed. My confidence in achieving leadership goals stems from earlier experience when I was chosen to lead a group involved in Regional Occupational Program project. I ensured that all members undertook their responsibilities. The application of my leadership skills and teamwork coordination enabled my group to achieve a perfect grade after presenting the research project. These efforts made me receive commendation from various quarters. Some of the awards I have received in the last four years include Principal Honor Roll, Volunteer of the Month Award, Faculty Honor Roll: Chemistry and History, Certificate of Achievement: Medical Assisting Office and Certificate of Achievement: World History and Chemistry. My involvement in Regional Occupation Program Career Training Courses enabled me to complete crucial cour ses that are necessary for a prosperous future in the medical field. They included Medical Core, Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Medical Abbreviations, Medical Assisting Front Office, Medical Assisting Back Office and CPR Certified and Health Unit Coordinator. The activities I participated in during my high school life established a firm medical foundation suitable for enabling excellence in the future nursing career. My interest in community health motivated me to spend over 300 hours at the Knott’s Care Center.